A section of brew related blogging from my personal page C&P to blogspot just to see. Is it worth putting all of my Inner Thoughts n' Feelings (hereafter referred to as ITFs) onto a public forum? Eh... dunno... some of those people are still alive...
090830 - AAA v3.0 bottled
I bottled the next version of my American Amber Ale yesterday and got a good bottle count. (12) 75 cl flip tops, (30) 36 cl bottles and (5) 50 cl plastic bottles for pressure testing. The last two had some bits in them. Seems that not all of the dry hops found their way down to the yeast bed. Hopefully none that I might enter into contests will contain bits, nor any that I share with people. I drank the beer that was in the tube that the hydrometer was in and it tasted a little bitter - and I couldn't discern any hop aroma. Hmmm.... Maybe that will taste and smell differently once the stuff is conditioned properly.
The previous version, v2.1.1 tastes and smells great and is ready to place into the fridge as is the case of Biere de Garde that I placed back on the shelves, tho' I may let that one condition another week or so.
I was going to brew the next version of Cream Ale (06A v3.0) on Thursday but Trish vetoed that plan on Dog issues, seeing as how she was fraught with fright over Dog Zeppo's condition. I'll try again on Wednesday, my day off - if nothing comes up, like a second interview at Precision Technology. A good trade of priorities, I say.
090824_ Back to Cream Ale...
I'll try to brew another batch of Cream Ale on my day off, Tuesday. Trish likes it and so do I, and I have the reserved yeast that I took from the Primary fermenter of my American Amber Ale in the fridge that can be used for Cream Ale. I want to get this recipe nailed down as I have for the AAA. More as it happens....
090802 - Batch 10.B v3.0
On Thursday, my day off, I brewed another batch of AAA, this time I got it within style guideline specs... I think. At least the calculated ABV is within specs. It might turn out a little high, but that is fine with me. Fewer beers to get a buzz. Wound up with 5.25 gallons in the Primary fermenter and there have been no problems so far. Knock on wood.
After this batch, I think I'll return to the Cream Ale recipes to try to get that nailed down and within spec. Trish liked the ones that turned out well; the one that I subsitiuted potatoes for the corn she didn't care for that much. It was potable but it wasn't as good as the ones where I used corn as 20% of the grain bill. Maybe in a couple weeks, after I bottle the 10.B v2.1.1 I will re-address that style. As for now, I added the gelatin to the secondary the other day and the v3.0 is still merrily bubbling away in the primary.
090522 - Amber Ale...
Sunday I will be brewing an Amber Ale. Nothing special, I've made one a time or two before. That's it. Come on by!
A Beer and a Dog
"Why should I blog about brewing?", I asked. "Nothing like a beer and a dog...", So Sayeth Virtual Wayne.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
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Not one of these.. these... FAUX CyberDaves... but the TRUE CyberDave!
About CyberDave

- CyberDave
- Contract engineering, working in the field in which I truly love: Mechanical Design.
That was it, apparently
"Bonus Nachos!" as we say on my planet. "And CHEERS!"