I’d never heard of hashing before. I met a couple at the meeting last night who told me about it; they are Hashers. I’d heard of the British term ‘Hounds and Hares’ before but didn’t have a clue nor an interest in finding out what it meant. The gent said I should Google ‘Hashing’. And so I did…
I discovered that Hashing came about in pre-war Malaysia, a means of exercise, getting rid of the weekend’s hangover, and drinking more afterwards. See Hashing.
The article says that Hashing died out during WWII as “Japanese occupying forces being notoriously anti-fun” which I thought was a wonderfully descriptive explanation.
This is something that I could get into… were there an organization such as this in Roanoke. (How could my docs protest against my drinking beer if there were exercise associated to it, especially when exercise is the main goal?) Never know. One day, perhaps…
There's a hashing club in Richmond, VA. Check out the website: http://www.richmondhash.com/