A Beer and a Dog

"Why should I blog about brewing?", I asked. "Nothing like a beer and a dog...", So Sayeth Virtual Wayne.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

More Brewing Equipment…

The other day I was patting myself on the back for saving a bit of what would otherwise have been junk for a future, as yet, undefined project.  I don’t know how long the little darlin’ had been laying around in the way… but when I DID need it… I was justified! 

Same project, different phase: A stand for the counter-flow chiller, adjustable to two different positions, not an absolute necessity but it sure would be nice to have control over the thing whilst I utilize it.

And now… phase two… I know that I saved another piece of useless crap, the injection molded handle that just wouldn’t stay on the snow shovel that was finally tossed… (Lessee… did I save the wooden part of the handle as well|?) but…

No.  I think that in a rage of common sense I tossed a whole lot of useless crap that “…will never be used for anything but a dust catcher…”  That might have been before the Refugee situation; I don’t recall.  At any rate, I can’t find the handle.  Fah!

I’ll get the thing made, one of these first days…


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That was it, apparently

"Bonus Nachos!" as we say on my planet. "And CHEERS!"